Wednesday, May 11, 2011


So I did a little experiment with myself today.  To start my first week back at tracking, I decided to eat, kind of like I have been in the last few weeks....How many daily points have I been consuming on average.  Well, I comsumed a grand total of 58 points!  Well, no shit I've gained weight!  Eating like that for a few weeks will do that to a girl.  Double Duh.
So the good news is I tracked today, I went to bootcamp and worked my arse off.  I will track tomorrow, make better choices that are WW friendly, and go to spinning.  And I will be nice to stupid jerks that try and steal my sunshiney spirit.

xoxo Gallant

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So, I gained another 3.5 lbs.  I have not been tracking, I have been eating my feelings, and feeling like crap about it. 
I've been having a hard time the last month.  Too much stress, depression, it's all been winning the race.  I've still been working out, but apparently not enough to offset eating like an animal. 
My Grandpa fell into a coma last week after suffering some serious illness caused by his dementia, in short, he's dying.  That has been the cherry on top of the stress/depression cake.  I always turn to food when I'm upset and feeling lonely and freaked out.  Today I made an attempt to stop that cycle.  I went to my first WW meeting in weeks, faced the ugly truth of the scale, and ate balanced and mindfully and went to cycling.  Tomorrow I will start tracking again.  I need NEED neeeeeed to remind myself that stuffing my face and getting fatter is just going to make me feel worse.

Tomorrow I will

xoxo Gallant

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Tonight I am feeling blessed.  I feel so lucky to have a job (even though I don't like it) to pay my bills, to have a strong body that I can see new muscles coming out, to have the support of everyone I love, to have the best dog in the whole world. 
I am still struggling with eating.  Easter has turned into a 3 day event so far for me.  I'm really hoping that I can get back to being mindful and healthy tomorrow.  The good news is that I still haven't gained any weight.  the bad news is that I still haven't lost any weight.  I'm still at the grand total of 12 lbs.  I really need to lose at least 60.  I've got my fitness down, I just need to re group and be consistent with my WW.  It's very hit and miss for me.  Consistency is the key.

Tomorrow I will make smarter choices and will not go into maximum carb overload.

xoxo Gallant

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Get It Girl

Sooooo, I gained 1 pound.  YEP.  In the last 5 weeks of not weighing in, not really tracking, and stressing the F out, I ONLY gained a pound :)
I know, it seems weird to be okay/happy with that, but honestly, I had horrible visions of somehow gaining everything back and I didn't!!!  This gives me hope that they're are some major changes happening in my behavior, that my less that perfect falling off the wagon, really ain't so bad.  Last year, I would've gained it all back, in fact I've done it more times than I'd like to admit.
So today, is a new day, a day that will lead the way to better days to come, more weight loss to be had, and my goals being met.  I'm really happy today! 
I went for a 2.5 mile walk with my Jonesy, my favorite walking partner.  He likes to hustle.  I think it's the songs I make up about us and sing out loud to him while we're walking that really gets him moving ;)
I tracked everything today, had A LOT of points at lunch, but it's all good, because I'm tracking them, and I'm totally going to lose 2 lbs this week.  Get It Girl!
Well back to baking for me, so many cupcakes, so little time...literally.

Tomorrow I will walk again, track everything, and bake my ass off!
Have a great night my lovely ladies!  I love you all to bits!!!!
xoxo Gallant

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I miss you

I just accidentally erased my post.  SON OF A BITCH.
A brief synopsis:

I miss you, my FT ladies.  I miss giving myself the time I deserve to be thin and happy.  I miss bootcamp (it has been off for two weeks, my instructors are on vacation.)
I am tired and busy.  I am thankful for being busy with cake orders, lots and lots of cake orders, but on my only day off I haven been making at least 5-6 dozen cupcakes, and delivering them, and have turned to pizza and chips because I am tired.  Not good.

I will weigh in, and face the music. I have not weighed in for over a month.  Be prepared for tears tomorrow
I will go to spinning and not be convinced that an hour away from cake making is going to ruin my schedule...who needs sleep anyway?
I will think only positive thoughts
I will blog about my results
I will track everything I eat, resurrecting my goal of being thin and fit. 

Thank you ladies, for still reading this, still being on my team, and being the best support a girl could ask for.

xoxo Gallant

Monday, April 4, 2011


Hey Ya'll!

Here I am, typing away in my hotel room in Dirty Jersey.  Right across the highway from the beautiful Newark Airport.  YES, I travel in style to the most exciting places! 
I'm at a two day training at our Elizabeth NJ store, so far so good.  I've even made good choices with my food so far!  Last night I got in late and was starving, I ordered a salad with sliced apples and walnuts from the bistro in the lobby.  It was pretty lame, but I was happy I made the best choice possible.  I also brough a lot of snacks with me, granola bars, almonds, crackers...AND had fruit instead of a bagel for breakfast...first time ever!!  Dinner might be a bit of a challenge today, by the looks of it, Ruby Tuesday's is going to be the destination, yuck!!
The next two weeks are going to be a bit challenging for me.  My bootcamp is on hiatius for 2 weeks,, which means I'm on my own.  I've got to come up with a game plan on what to do with my fitness for the next few Monday's and Wednesday's.  I can't get caught in a slump!  On the bright side I can return to the Wednesday night WW meetings that I like the best.  However, I need to check out the Friday one and see if it's something I'd be into.  So far I hate the Saturday one, it's flippin lame!  I haven't been to a weigh in in 3 weeks.  THIS IS NOT OKAY.  I could bore everyone with the reasons why, but really, there is NO excuse.  I need to get back on the program 100%, no excuses.  I am recommiting to the meetings and weigh ins starting on Wednesday.  The good news is that all though i haven't been the best WW member of late, I have always kept mindful, not being perfect, but not falling off the deep end and eating an entire cake or pizza.  I haven't said "Fuck It" yet. 
After my first 4 weeks of bootcamp though, I got my mesurments done, and I lost 1 inch in my waist, 1 in my hips, and .5 in my I'm still playing the "slow and steady wins the race" role!  I am going to step it up though, because I want to have lost an additional 40lbs by the end of August.  This will be a challenge, but I am committed and ready to so this.  I will be one hot bitch!  The grand total will be 52 lbs, about 70% or so to my year end goal. 


My reflections on the last few months; I have found who I am, what I want, and what I really need to do to achieve it.  I have a clear goal, and it is something that I have complete control over.  My mind has control over my eating, not my emotions.

I might not blog tomorrow, depending on what time I get home.  But please know, that if I am not around for a day or two, I am always cheering for you, always keeping up with you, and carrying all of your amazing strength and support with me.  I love you all!!
xoxo - Gallant

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Breathing Deeply

I'm tired.  I am having a pretty good day as far as eating, tracking and exercising everything is all good.  I had a crap day at work.  Some people are still 17 year old mean girls, even when they're pushing 60.  I need to focus on having a new career.  I want to open my own business but I am terrified of failing, of being overwhelmed and not being able to maintain my sanity.  I'd settle for something new, in general, that didn't involve working with a bunch of jerks.  Not everyone is a jerk, but some days I let the jerks rule.  Deep Cleansing Breaths.  It's been the mantra and activity of the day.
I am proud that through dealing with a crap day, rude people, and still hurting and feeling tired, I did not sabotage myself.  I consider this a VICTORY!

The GREAT people I work with.  They are so much cooler than the crap ones
My friendship with fitness, it's pretty strong
My ability to fake bravery and strength, when I'm not feeling it, but can still manage to show it on the outside
Being resilient:  Go ahead, be an asshole, it just makes my light shine brighter!
Pierogie's. CARB ON CARB ACTION.  Heavenly

Until tomorrow, I wish all of you peace, love, comfort and health.
xoxo Gallant